I think your Sunday pancake ritual sounds wonderful and yummy! Rituals are important and sound so much better than routine, which, you could argue is the same thing in this context. But I love the idea of the intention making the difference, the infusion of something sacred happening.

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Yes they are yummy! You're right, it's making a routine meaningful and deliberate, thus making it a ritual. :)

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I remember our Sunday ritual as a child, we used to walk down to the beach with my dad and when we came back home, my mum used to have Spanish omelette ready for us which we called ‘special eggs’.

Rituals add so much to giving our children happy childhoods.

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This sounds like a perfect family ritual! Just imagining it makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. I agree with the rituals adding to a happy childhood!

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my ritual is making coffee in the morning haha, especially when not rushed or sleepy…..

i love the two paragraphs when you talk about reminiscing about the past and anticipating the future. it also made me think of rituals being a constant in our everchanging lives— how maybe as children we made food with our parents and now when one becomes a parent you do the same with your children too :)

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Yes so many simple rituals that we didn’t realize and would still be doing, and maybe someday pass it on. I think that’s how our ancestors live on in our daily lives too!

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